I often think about my messaging when producing an item. Does it make sense right away? Does what I say make the person who is reading it more interested?
This weekend on the way to a fishing pond, I passed this sign.
I wasn't prepared for a marketing lesson in the middle of my day off so this photo was taken with a phone. It says "SALE GUYS STUFF" with an arrow. Yup, Guys Stuff. What is guys stuff? I am significantly intrigued. My mind is wondering, will I find fishing lures, jock straps, engines, cars, moustache grooming devices?
On the way to the Guy Stuff Sale, I passed a house. There was a sign in front of the house, it said "Not Here". I was on the right track. The next house had a sign that said "HERE". I was at the secret GUY STUFF SALE!!!!!! Go me!
There was a mean dog. I figured this is ok. Because guys who sell guy stuff should have intimidating dogs. The first thing my eye settled on was a table with china on it. Well, gosh, my illusions were shattered. There was an antique dresser, a german clock, some cool dental chairs and an engine! Yes, the GUY STUFF!
I left the small sale laughing. While I did not find a much sought after item, I loved that the message on the simple signs sucked me in. What a brilliant move for a truly terrible sale!
Sure, the rest of us in business should follow up our message with an actual product, but once in a while in marketing, we can take a moment and appreciate the little things. And really, our messaging choices are never a little thing.
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